The Flip of a Switch (Two-Way Pull) 

Sometimes you want to just scream. I do. Sometimes my inner thoughts — the private ones, the ones that I just can not say out loud…

…from the dingbat who can’t code a simple annual physical right, to the insurance hound who’s up my ass about a dinky $20 that I shouldn’t have to pay because the dingbat botched it up at square one…

…to the lady behind me at the market who jumps the line when the register opens in the next aisle (and I’ve got maybe 20 things in my cart…and I was ahead of her) and she knows she’s wrong…

…to the jackass on my ass doing 70mph about an inch behind me, flashing his lights, and I’m like If I could get over I would but where do you expect me to go??!!I…

and the contractor who can’t just tell me that he doesn’t know how to lay tile, no, he has to puff up, and screw up and who’s got to clean up? You're damn right. Me.

I’m taking it on the chin every goddamn time I turn around and through it all, even while I’m screaming my fool head off inside my mind, on the outside…I’m silent as the grave. Taking deep breaths like they were Oxy but getting none of the relief.

Don’t do it, kid. Keep your head. Be the bigger man. You don’t know the whole story…maybe that lady at the market’s got a sick kid and the guy who needs to go faster’s facing some real trouble, maybe they’re all just desperate and tired and maybe they’re just as frustrated as you. 

And I keep my cool.

At the market, there was another lady. She saw what happened, she got shafted too, just like me. We looked at each other, she shook her head and said…

I’ve given up on people.

I'm right there with you, sister. 

Some people lose it. They flip that switch and change into someone else or…into who they’ve been all along but hid. They let themselves do horrible things. Cheaters. Swindlers. Murderers. And I kind of understand them, which is scary because, maybe…we’re not so different?

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