When a Man Stops Caring What Happens 

If you're new to Blow Up you might want to read these blog posts and get your bearings. We're about to make a turn. 

If you've been here from the beginning, then you're familiar with the facade of wellness masking a diseased mind. Restlessness resembles ease. Humor hides hate. Until…

We arrive at clearing in the wood. The clouds lift. The sun shines. Fatigue gives way to exhaustion and a sudden sense of clarity. Of course, the plates we've been spinning come crashing to the ground. But soundlessly. Like a dream. The ruins of chaos and strife surround us, yet we are peaceful. We no longer mind the thousand cuts, the insults, the injuries. We've gone through hell. What can possibly hurt us now?

We don't know it but…we're about to fall through hell's trapdoor. How could we know it? We've surrendered. And surrender means – the fight is over, no?

When a Man Stops Caring What Happens marks the end of the introduction and acts as a portal delivering us to another side of failure and defeat. We'll soon enter a sideways society of survival. But first…

We let it all go. All the effort and struggle and pain. Just let it all go and bathe in the warmth of the Cantabile Singers of Pembrokshire* - a ladies' Choir who make a guest appearance. Thanks to all the blessed ladies. And their voices

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